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Top 3 Ways to Overcome Zero Trust Adoption Challenges

In a hyper-connected world, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making traditional security measures less effective. 

As a result, many organisations are turning to Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) security, which offers a more comprehensive approach to protecting their systems and data from unauthorised access. 

Zero Trust Adoption Challenges

However, while the benefits of ZTNA security are clear, many organisations struggle with adopting it due to various challenges. 

In this blog, we will explore the top 3 challenges of Zero Trust adoption and provide actionable ways to overcome them. By the end of this blog, you'll have a better understanding of how to implement ZTNA security effectively and securely in your organisation.

Top 3 Challenges of Zero Trust Adoption with Solution

Challenge 1: Hybrid and Remote Work Culture

The adoption of hybrid and remote working cultures has dramatically increased in recent times, and this culture poses a great challenge to adopting the Zero Trust security model

As more people work away from the office, the traditional perimeter-based approach becomes less secure. Moreover, remote work has led to an increase in the use of unknown devices, applications, public Wi-Fi, routers, and VPN services, which are potential entry points for cybercriminals. 

Using untrusted applications on a device that has access to sensitive business data poses a significant security risk. 

The solution: 

Organisations need to invest in comprehensive endpoint security solutions that can authenticate users and devices before granting access to sensitive data.

And so, organisations can readily implement Multi-factor Authentication or MFA to address this challenge. As MFA is a crucial element of network security, it can enhance the security posture and threat response necessary for adopting the Zero Trust approach.

Challenge 2: Dealing with Traditional Legacy Systems

Many organisations have invested heavily in their IT infrastructure over the years and may still rely on legacy systems that don't support modern security protocols. These systems are often difficult to update or replace, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The solution: 

Organisations need to identify which legacy systems and applications are critical to their operations and assess their security risks. They can then implement Zero Trust security measures in a phased manner, starting with the most critical systems and applications. 

By taking a risk-based approach and leveraging innovative technologies, organisations can gradually modernise their infrastructure while maintaining a strong security posture. This will help ensure that their systems and data are protected, even as they continue to use legacy systems.

Challenge 3: Maintaining a Positive User Experience

ZTNA security often involves additional layers of authentication and authorisation, which can lead to frustration for users. This can result in users circumventing security measures or engaging in risky behaviours, which undermines the effectiveness of the Zero Trust architecture.

The solution: 

Organisations need to strike a balance between security and user experience. They can do this by adopting user-friendly authentication methods, such as biometric authentication, that reduce the need for passwords and make the authentication process more seamless. 

By prioritising user experience and investing in user-friendly security measures, organisations can ensure that Zero Trust security does not create unnecessary friction for users. This will help improve user compliance and reduce the risk of security breaches caused by user error or negligence.


While implementing a Zero Trust model can be challenging, there are effective strategies that can help organisations overcome adoption obstacles. 

One such solution is InstasafeZero Trust Access, which provides secure and seamless access to applications and resources, regardless of location or device. 

By leveraging identity-based access controls, Instasafe Zero Trust Access Solution helps organisations achieve comprehensive security and compliance while improving user productivity and experience.

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