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Pentesting 101- Steps for Pentesting

 Pentesting is a process that helps business owners and users to identify the security loopholes in their systems. It is important to do pentesting regularly to prevent any potential cyber-attacks on your system. In this article, we will discuss the basic features of pentesting and the steps you should follow to do pentesting effectively.


Basic Definition And Importance Of Pentesting

A penetration testing is a process that checks for vulnerabilities in the system. It helps you to find security loopholes and fix them before an attacker could exploit them. The success of a pentest depends on the skills and knowledge of the person conducting it. If done properly, then it can save you from many potential cyber-attacks which would otherwise cost more money than what was spent on doing pentesting regularly.

Features Of Pentesting

Here are some features of Pentesting:

It can detect any malicious activity such as malware or spyware which may be present in your computer or network devices like routers etcetera., including their configuration files so they won't turn up again after rebooting/restarting these systems later down the road when running an antivirus scan again may not find them anymore until next time they're detected.

It can also detect vulnerabilities in your computer, network devices like routers etcetera configuration files which could allow hackers to gain access remotely over an open port or via a web application exploit (if one exists) and then perform various attacks against other computers on the same network as yours with different configurations than theirs.

For example: if someone else has their firewall turned off while you have it enabled at all times then this will not work unless both parties are using similar settings in order for such exploits that require direct interaction between machines through ports/web applications etcetera together successfully such as exploiting certain versions of Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol clients when connecting from outside the LAN (local area network) which has been known since late 2014 and still exists today as well.

Steps To Follow For Pentesting

Here are some steps you should follow while doing pentesting:

● Determine The Scope Of The Test - What do we need to check? Do we have access to all areas where you require web penetration tester or just one department in particular? Are there any sensitive data on those systems? Is it okay if someone outside the company gets access through our system without being authorized first by management?

●Reconnaissance- Reconnaissance is the first step in conducting a pentest, and it involves gathering information about the target system to determine its vulnerabilities. There are two main types of reconnaissance: active and passive. Passive reconnaissance involves gathering publicly available information about the target system, while active reconnaissance involves directly interacting with the target system to gather data or probe for vulnerabilities.

● Scanning- Scanning is another important step that must be performed before any other exploits can take place because without scanning there would be no way of knowing what kind of attacks could happen against your network if they got through one layer but not another (for example).

● Enumeration- Enumeration is an essential part of software penetration testing because it allows you to identify possible attack vectors and develop exploits accordingly. The most common enumeration methods are port scanning, banner grabbing, and credential guessing.

● Discovered Vulnerabilities - What kind of vulnerabilities have we found out about, and how can they be exploited by an attacker? Is there any information that suggests that these flaws in the system's security architecture design might be exploited by unauthorized users to gain access to other areas of your network? Furthermore, what about the security of the third-party vendors/providers with whom you do business transactions on a daily basis such as credit card numbers being shared online when making purchases?

● Exploitation- Exploitation involves using the knowledge gained during enumeration to launch attacks against vulnerable systems in order to gain access to them or cause damage by exploiting vulnerabilities within those systems.

●How To Fix These Vulnerabilities - What can we do about these vulnerabilities in our system? Do they require updating software and hardware or just one specific piece that might be causing the problem? Can it be fixed by configuring settings differently within an application itself without needing any external assistance such as support from third-party vendors like Microsoft if using their products? This could mean paying money for something not needed except temporarily during the testing period.

●Test Everything Again To Make Sure Nothing Changed- Make sure that all patches/updates have been applied to your system before testing, as well as making sure nothing else needs fixing too like broken links on the web.


The pentest is the most important step in your cybersecurity strategy. It's what you do to make sure that all of your systems are secure and protected against cyber threats. If you don't have an active pentest, then it will be too late when a hacker finds their way into your system.

There are many steps that go into conducting a pentest, but the most important thing is to have an in-depth understanding of your company’s needs. This article has outlined some of the basics for you so now it’s time to find out more about what you need and how we can help! We know what it takes to perform a successful pentest because our team members have years of experience in cybersecurity.

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