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How to Retain Your Existing Clients Through Content Marketing

 What is content marketing and its relevance?

Customer retention through good content marketing is easier said than done.

Content Marketing is essentially a marketing approach that goes in-depth about sharing relevant factual content. With traditional marketing gradually becoming a thing of the past, content marketing is emerging as a new-age marketing tool. This form of marketing shifts its focus on creating to-the-point content that contains reliable information. Content marketing uses topical content and uses phrases that they know generate online attention and engagement. Often, the end goal of content marketing is to generate leads and engagement.

Retain Your Existing Clients Through Content Marketing

Several brands online prefer this form of marketing as it allows them to amplify their brand message and content without paying the prices of traditional marketing. A few of the many benefits of these include increased sales while being cost-effective, getting a strong base of loyal clientele, and fostering new ideas.

How do brands go about customer retention through content marketing?

Brands often seek assistance from companies offering content marketing services for this. Now, the methods with which one can retain their existing clientele base by employing the benefits of content marketing are aplenty. Tips and tricks online with generalised advice are available a dime a dozen, no one knows your brand better than you do. Use certain relevant guidance and apply it and tailor it according to your content strategy. 

The content your brand creates could be for anything ranging from online courses, launching new products and services for eCommerce, running a membership site, or operating any other type of subscription-based business. Creating all this content with no way to market it is all effort in vain. You need an ecosystem to market this content and ensure it reaches not just potential clients but makes your existing clients want to stay. 

One can do this by using different social media channels and amplifying their content and having a strategy that includes all aspects such as: 

● Awareness

● Lead generation

● Trial sign-ups


● Customer retention

The ways in which one can retain their existing client through content marketing includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Send onboarding emails

Onboarding emails help your clients to understand your schemes, hierarchy, structure, important mandates and other faculties required for any employee or individual to navigate through the brand and the company in a more structured manner. 

2. Have an effective grievance centre

Feedback in today’s world is not anymore a one-way street, rather a more democratised world. Feedback helps improve client morale and create an open system throughout the organisation. It will help improve the content based on the target audience since the client can communicate any grievance, suggestion etc. It is also important to make sure that it is followed through and taken up instead of being just an anonymous suggestion box.

3. Organize webinars

Webinars were a big part of the industry but COVID has only widened the approach and aspects of what can be achieved through a single interactive webinar. It can provide information, and provide the audience ample information about your services so the usage is optimal and efficient. It also helps to record these for future clients who may want to understand various concepts of the product or service that your brand offers.

4. Offer annual reports

Annual reports are data points that are highly used by small-cap companies, MNCs and others alike to arrive at an understanding of the goal, the gaps, the plan and re-create and design future prototypes. You can use infographics, graphical and pictorial representation to make these data points more interactive. Videos are also a great source of information to provide competitive annual reports showing your stakeholders what holds value.

5. Offer discounts

The four C’s of marketing include ‘committing’ to your brand. This will require your audience or customers to associate and return to your brand each time there is a new launch, repeated service requirement and so on. This can be optimised by providing discounts to loyal customers, including membership cards, brand loyalty points that are redeemable to create customer loyalty and commitment. 


 Gaining customers is not a one-time thing. It is a process that needs to be taken into account. Maintaining healthy client-consumer relationships is the crux of creating the customer’s brand loyalty. Retaining your existing clients is much more doable with content marketing.

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