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Instagram Adds a Status Indicator Dot from Where People Get to Know When You Ignore Them

 Millions of people use Instagram actively daily and share photos, videos, stories, reels, scroll the home page and chat with friends. Instagram keeps improving its direct message system to engage users and keep using the Direct message option to chat with friends. And now Instagram comes with a big update for its users.  

Instagram adds a Status Indicator Dot

A new exciting feature rolled out from Instagram, i.e., a green status dot indicating whether users use Instagram or are active on Instagram. Now you can easily see who is active on Instagram by a green status dot below on your friend's profile. 

If you're talking with your friends on Instagram, then you can easily see their active status on Instagram. You also have the option to disable this active status dot feature in one click. Instagram only shows this green status to those who are talking with you on Instagram. And if you want to see your friend's status or anybody, you need to drop a message first, and you can see this green status dot whenever users use Instagram actively. 

Before this launch, Instagram showed users active details like "active 24 min ago" or "active now", but now it comes in a new green status dot that catches user's attention.

Instagram regularly comes with Improvements in application yearly, and every time it's much advanced and eye-catching. That's how this time, Instagram comes with a green status dot feature to see users' activeness on Instagram. 

You can see when your friends are active on Instagram.

Now you don't need to open your friends' chat and see when they're Active like the Previous Version that showed active 24min ago, etc. You can easily see when your friends are active on Instagram because of the green status dot. It is really helpful and eye-catching because now you don't need to open any conversation, and you can easily see who is active on Instagram. And if you want to know about this feature, you can go to the direct message section same as in Whatsapp where you'll see all previous conversations with your friends, and near friends profile, you'll see a small eye-catching green status dot on your friends profile whenever they're active on Instagram. But if someone switches off its activity status, then you can't see that green dot until the user again switches on. 

How to Get the Green status dot working?

You need to clear when you see a green status dot on Instagram. You can only see a green status dot on Instagram when both users follow each other, and they've done a little bit of conversation. Then, you can see your friend's status via a green dot. It isn't very clear for many people who don't know how to see a green status dot. Instagram rolled out this feature in mid-July 2018, and people started loving this new feature because it's so eye-catching and easy to see the active status of your friends. 

Pros & Cons of this new feature

Pros (+)

Many people think that it's not sensible to roll out this feature, but actually, it is because anyone uses Instagram - celebrities, business owners, and big stars using this platform and previously anyone can see the active status of these accounts, but now with this new feature roll-out, a green status dot only shows who follow each other. It's better to prioritize your friends on Instagram.

Cons (-)

By using this feature, anyone can track your active status on Instagram and stock your profile. And another bad thing is, you need to reply to others ' messages when you're online because your status shows active when you're using Instagram, and then you can't easily ignore messages. 

The idea behind rolling out this feature

Instagram's main purpose is to keep users and stay on Instagram for long hours, and after rolling out this feature, it works. Now people have started spending more time on Instagram because Instagram shows a green status dot on their friend's profile, and they start chatting. That's how people spend more time on Instagram because it encourages more to chat with friends and that green dot catches our attention. 

The more green dots you've seen, the more you want to talk to your friends and spend time on Instagram. But you know what, when this feature rolls out, you also get another option to turn off the green dot status of your profile. A simple but powerful way to increase Users' spends time on Instagram. Let's discuss it more. 

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You have an option to Stay Invisible on Instagram.

Yes, you can easily turn off this green status dot from your profile and easily use Instagram for hours without knowing anyone that you're using Instagram. As we all know, Instagram is just not for chatting purposes. There are tons of things we can do on Instagram like take photos, use Filters, create stories, scroll other posts, watch reels, and many more. But whenever we use Instagram for these purposes, your friends Start messaging you, and when you don't reply, even if you see online because of the green status dot, they think you're ignoring them, your attitude, etc. And if you don't want to crack this type of image, then you have an option to turn off this green dot even When you're actively using Instagram for hours. 

People love this turn-off feature because some people want privacy and don't want to be bothered in chat. If you're facing this issue and want to turn off your green status dot from your profile, follow these simple steps - Go to settings and click on Activity Status and tap to switch off. That's it! Now you can easily use Instagram for hours, and no one sees your active status, and you don't need to reply to any messages anymore until you want. 


Q - What's the difference between active now and green status dot on Instagram?

When you and your friend both follow each other, only then you'll see a green status dot on your friend's profile. A green dot under the profile and active now in the text. Both are not different because both are part of each other. 

Q - How do you get the green dot on your Instagram?

It's a very simple process to get this feature on your profile. You need to go to settings, click on active status and tap to switch on the status. That's it! Now your friends can see your active status whenever you use Instagram actively. And you also have an option to turn off the same steps to follow and tap to switch off when you want privacy. And if you don't find any activity status option, first update your Instagram to Latest Version and then come back and follow these steps. 

Q - Is the green dot on Instagram accurate?

If you see a green dot on your friend's profile, that means the user is currently using Instagram but a minor difference in seconds when the user left Instagram and the green dot showing for Seconds. It's not accurate, but yes nearly accurate.

Q - Does the green dot mean someone is chatting?

No, it means users currently using Instagram and active on Instagram. You can't predict what they're doing on Instagram, but the user is currently using it.

Q - How does this Instagram green dot status Work?

 A simple feature rolls out; when you and your friend follow each other, you can see a green dot on your friend's profile whenever they're using Instagram actively. 


Final Verdict

Overall, it's a great feature rolled out by Instagram to encourage users to chat with their friends because they're active on Instagram. The psychology is if your friend is online or active right now means you'll get an immediate reply, and you need to reply because you know you're showing active on Instagram. That's how people start spending more time on Instagram and chat with friends. But hopefully, you'll also get an option to turn off this green dot status so that you can enjoy some privacy without bothering with any messages. We highly suggest you, if you're somebody who wants to scroll on Instagram, watching reels and stories, then you need to turn off this green status dot from your profile and enjoy your privacy. Drop your comment and let me know how you feel about this new feature?

Author Bio

JigneshVaghasiya is the CEO at Universal Stream Solution. Universal Stream Solution is a mobile app development company in Atlanta. That helps startups to enterprise companies in mobile & web technology.

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