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The Most Important Content Marketing Tools and Apps in 2022

 Content marketing is one of the best forms of marketing there is. From plastic surgeons to single-page stores, the sheer number of people and companies using this form of marketing is incredible. If you want to start a business, a simple website is no longer sufficient to run the business. You need a way to attract people to your website and give them content to go through while making decisions about purchasing your services. 

Content Marketing Tools

What Is Content Marketing? 

The best way to attract them to the website and that “BUY” button is by giving them enough good, high-quality content to keep them on the website for long enough. This is where content marketing comes into place. Blog posts, copy pages, landing pages, and many more are stocked with keywords that the search engine should recognize and push you to the desired first page in Google results. 

How to Make a Good Content Marketing Campaign(s)? 

To ensure success and that every dollar that is invested returns manifold, entire content (marketing) campaigns are published in short periods of time. In fact, as this is one of the most successful marketing practices and one of the best ways to improve your business, many owners and marketers decide on this approach. However, running a content marketing campaign is not easy, and you may need to rely on apps, platforms, and tools to streamline the work. 

How to Use Content Marketing Tools Productively?

Having access or a subscription to all these content marketing tools is not enough to ensure your work is a breeze. In fact, what you need to do is understand how to use them productively and how to combine them for the best results. Content marketing tools are not a magic wand (although some may seem very close), so knowing what you are doing is always a big help. 

For every content marketing project, there is, you should know the basic details of the KPIs you want to track, the target audience, and the approach that you will take. However, once the basics have been established, it is also necessary to deal with a more technical aspect of content marketing creation. Knowing the necessary steps and the deadlines for each of these can be time-consuming and difficult since there could be hundreds of steps and dozens of people you need to coordinate to make the company successful. 

Content creation itself is also a difficult task. Finding good writers is not an easy job, so you may need to turn to professionals. Simply following “write me an essay online” will take you to a professional platform that deals with this kind of task. Regardless of your niche and the content volume you may need, hiring professionals is always better than training your own. 

Important Content Marketing Tools and Apps in 2022 

As there are hundreds of apps and tools used in both content creation and content marketing, it is useful to revise some of them to ensure that you have the best of the best. We did some digging, made a few phone calls, and relied on the expertise of experienced names in the field to showcase the top apps and tools used in content marketing. 


Ahrefs is a great stop for both first-timers and experienced content writers. Ahrefs offers a great chance to view keyword details, search volume, and keyword difficulty - that is, how difficult it is to rank for a specific keyword. Ahrefs also allows for competition scanning to better understand their keywords and how they are used. In fact, they can also come up with AI-generated suggestions for the keywords you should use in your text. 


No piece of content is good enough without good graphics to go with it. Canva allows you to create simple but powerful images in as little as a few clicks. Canva is one of the most popular platforms used by Instagrammers around the world for displaying easy-to-red chunks of text as well. 


Nifty is a project management platform that streamlines work and delivers a variety of great functions to all its uses. It enables you to form projects, dedicate some people to them (content writers, editors, etc.), and track projects and their parts as they unfold. Nifty is easy to use, is smartphone friendly (there is an app), and is highly customizable. 


There is no website without WordPress unless you like to develop your own websites and spend hours coding a simple element that takes seconds to create using WordPress. A number of plugins offer adding different functionalities to your website. The themes that you can apply throughout the website you’re creating make making changes very easy to implement. 

The only downside is that WordPress can simply remove your website if they see fit. This can only be done if the website is hosted on its servers. You can, however, use WordPress to create a website and then migrate it to another hosting platform.

Final Thoughts 

These are some of the best apps and tools that you can use in your content marketing. Being able to understand the content creation process and your own project needs is crucial in deciding which tools you will use as well as which tools will suit you in future projects as well. Check them out and let us know what you think. 

Eric Wyatt 

Eric Wyatt loves trying out new foods and things in general. He believes that constant innovation can help improve our workflow and point out the weak points that make us less productive and rob us of our time. He loves reading about streamlining and personal finance. 

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