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10 Projects to Get You to Your First Dev Job in 2023


If you're a beginner developer, it's essential to gain experience before you start looking for a job. But how do you get that experience? Learning on your own can be hard, especially when all of your friends are still in school and don't understand your absence from social events because they're too busy binge-watching Netflix. That's why I've put together this list of projects to help set your code on fire while increasing your chances of landing that first dev gig. Here they are:

Dev Job

You've decided to become a developer. You know what languages you want to learn, and now it's time to choose a project that will let you practice your skills and keep you motivated.

You've decided to become a developer. You know what languages you want to learn, and now it's time to choose a project that will let you practice your skills and keep you motivated.

A good project should:

● have a goal in mind

● allow you to measure your progress toward that goal

● give feedback on what works (and what doesn't) as you work toward the goal

You can always spend time learning new tools/languages by creating small projects or practicing with them, but eventually, you'll need something more substantial than just messing around with code. If there's no specific outcome or purpose for your code, it can be hard to stay motivated when things don't go perfectly from the start or if things get difficult down the road.

These projects are guaranteed to set your code on fire in 2022 – and just might help you land your first dev job in 2023!

● You'll learn a lot about how to write good, clean code.

● You'll get to know your way around the command line and git, which are essential tools for any developer.

● You'll be building projects that solve real problems, which means you can apply what you've learned.

simple calculator app

● User interface: The user interface should consist of several buttons, each corresponding to an operation. There should be a scroll bar that allows the user to change the number of digits in the display. There should also be an undo/redo button for editing mistakes and saving or loading state.

● A number of digits in the display: Displaying too many digits may lead users to make errors when working with small numbers; however, displaying too few digits will make it difficult to perform calculations with large numbers.

● A number of buttons: Each button should perform one operation on the inputted data by changing its value based on which function is selected (for example, adding two values together).

● A number of operations: To avoid confusion among users about how this calculator works, we recommend keeping our app simple by only implementing addition and subtraction functions (and perhaps multiplication if you feel comfortable coding it).

An arithmetic challenge game

What if you could create a game that would help your students practice their math skills while they play? An arithmetic challenge game is just the thing to get them excited about learning, and it will help them learn new concepts and solve problems independently.

The first step is to choose an arithmetic concept you want to teach. An excellent place to start is with basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. After choosing one of these operations as your focus area, come up with several mini-games that test students' ability in this area (e.g., "Add Two Numbers" or "Find the Product"). You can use simple icons or text on top of black backgrounds for these mini games—a full-size screen won't be necessary until later when you add graphics for feedback after each round of play."

virtual pet

● What is a virtual pet?

A virtual pet is an animal or creature that you can interact with. They are usually made of pixels but can also be created using other mediums, such as clay. This project aims to create a game where the player plays as their virtual pet and learns about different things in the process.

● How do you make it fun?

The main point of this project is that it should be fun for everyone involved (you, your friends, teachers). To keep people interested in playing it again and again, there needs to be some reward system, something they receive during gameplay that encourages them to keep playing!

● How do I make my pet educational?

The goal is to make your pet as educational as possible. This can be done by making the pet talk or interact with you, or by giving it specific traits that relate to a certain subject.

digital shopping list app

To make sure you have everything you need for your new job, here is a shopping list app to get the job done. This app should be able to:

● Store multiple shopping lists

● Add items to the shopping list

● Remove items from the shopping list

● Reorder items in the shopping list

chatbot or digital assistant app

In the rapidly evolving field of chatbots and digital assistants, you can build a bot to answer simple questions and perform tasks. This project is excellent for those who want to get their feet wet with coding and machine learning while creating something that has real-world applications.

Your product might end up being a web app, mobile app, or even an Amazon Echo skill (if you're feeling ambitious!).

An online mapping service with user-generated content or reviews

● User-generated content, such as reviews or photos of places on the map

● A search function so that users can find a place they’re looking for.

The app should be available on both iOS and Android.

A mobile or web app with music streaming capabilities

In this project, you'll build a web app that allows users to stream music from their favorite sources.

● The music streaming app will have the following features:

● Users can search for songs and add them to a playlist.

● The user can play the songs in their playlist.

● Users are subscribed to one of five music channels, which are selected at random every time they log in: Pop, Rock, Hip Hop/R&B, Country and Jazz/Classical (in roughly equal proportions). Each channel will include tracks from popular artists who fall into that genre's subgenres (e.g., pop would include Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga). You can find these lists on When building this project, we recommend using NodeJS with Express framework so you don't need any additional dependencies besides npm installed locally on your computer since we're going all out here with our first dev job!

currency exchange dashboard

A dashboard is a visual display of the essential information you need to know to keep track of your project or business. Your dashboard can be used to track exchange rates, monitor your portfolio, and keep an eye on the market. To build this app, you will require a data source. For this, there are several APIs (e.g.,,

weather app

To build a weather app, you'll need:

● an API to get current conditions. There are lots of options for this, but Google's is probably the easiest to use. It returns data as JSON objects with key names like "weather" and "summary", which you can access via JavaScript variables.

● a way to display the forecast for the next few days. You can do this using HTML and CSS if you want something simple or generate SVG images using canvas (more on that here). The forecast will be made up of small circles representing precipitation probability over time; they should look something like this:

Note: Dev jobs are rarer than unicorn tears! But don't despair—you're in luck! We've found four projects that will help you land your first dev gig by 2023.


There's no shortage of projects, but these are some of our favorites. They're not only straightforward to get started with, but they also offer you a chance to practice your skills before moving on to more significant projects.

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