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When To Use Node.js

 Significant reasons exist to use Node.js in the current conditions. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the main motivations for using the platform. Firstly, the material will review the main reason for the creation of Node.js. Secondly, it’ll transition to the examples of the areas in which Node.js can be of great use. 

When to use node.js

Lastly, the reviewers will look at the areas where Node.js is not perfect in terms of long-term utilization. Ultimately, if you are interested in the area, we recommend looking at the Node software development company KeenEthics.

What is Node.js Written In?

Let’s take a look at some of the key facts that surround the overall existence of Node.js

● Node.js is a programming framework created with the use of C, C++, and JavaScript. This approach offers the platform the ability to be advanced and flexible.

● One of the primary goals behind the creation of Node.js is the ability to transition the creation of JavaScript code from the browser settings into the backend. In essence, the platform makes the so-called full-stack development possible for the majority of the users. Obviously, the use of the platform can greatly save time for people who only know how to use JavaScript properly;

● Node.js strives to preserve some of the main features of JavaScript. Above all, it’s asynchronous. This means that the code in question can be launched in a fashion that is not linear: lighter parts can be started faster despite being further in the code. More importantly, the single-threaded approach of the platform remains potent too. In this respect, it focuses on the launching of code instances on one thread rather than on several ones. The platform seeks the ability to allow multiple connections instead of focusing on one.

Examples of Where Node.js Should Be Used

Node.js should undoubtedly be used in the following scenarios:

1. To create streaming platforms: Node.js is perfect for cases when you need to work with a large number of connections that involve some form of relatively weak connections. For instance, a large number of video reviews is a perfect case in this situation. Netflix offers a perfect representation of such use;

2. To create banking applications and other user-oriented websites: in many situations, Node.js is also of great importance for the creation of platforms that involve many small user requests related to some monetary operations. Modern fintech organizations and sales platforms such as eBay are actively using the platform.

Where Node.js Shouldn’t Be Used

Node.js shouldn’t be used in certain settings today. Above all, you should pay attention to the complexity of calculations. Node.js is a platform that does not enable full-scale multithreading for the majority of the tasks. In this light, it’s genuinely difficult to manage in a vast majority of cases when you need to perform something truly difficult. What do we mean by these settings? For example, imagine a mathematical calculation program. Node.js is very likely to fail in such cases. It’s not perfect for tasks that need hyperthreading of any kind.


To summarize, the presented information means that Node.js, more or less, is a strong platform for any individual who wants to create a web application or some other site-centric framework. If you’re interested in technology of this kind, feel free to visit KeenEthics. Specialists there should be able to provide you with all the vital information.

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