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Link Building Tips For Small Businesses

 If you run a small business, say a bakery or jewelry shop, you are probably aware that link-building is an extremely useful tool that can help you get the website traffic and ranking you need. But how exactly can small businesses increase link-building?

Link Building Tips For Small Businesses

Some ways that small businesses can boost link-building are by engaging with their local community and influencers, collaborating with similar businesses, focusing on social media, and writing guest posts.

In this article, I’m going to explain each of these in detail and talk about how you can incorporate them into your business strategy to increase website visits and drive up sales. Read on to get some invaluable tips on how small businesses can increase link-building.

8 Link Building Tips For Small Businesses

Connect With Your Community

If you own a small business, connect and engage with your local community by taking part in relevant workshops, fairs, charity fundraisers, or sponsoring a local event or school team. This will give you a chance to promote your business and build goodwill in the community. You can read more about how to connect with your community here.

More importantly, you can ask the local news or community website to add a link to your business when they report about the event and tag you on social media as well. This will increase awareness of your business and products and help in building a positive brand image.


Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Any marketing specialist knows the importance of social media in building a business’s reputation and finding potential customers. With millions of people all over the world spending a significant chunk of their time on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, it’s no wonder they are powerful tools for increasing brand awareness. 

First of all, construct a reliable and attractive image of your brand online and post regularly to gain followers. Keep a lookout for ongoing trends and popular marketing styles to promote your products and connect with your audience. Remember to mention your website frequently by adding links to it in your social media posts and pictures.

Keep SEO In Mind

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and as the name suggests, it is a way of upgrading your website content to ensure that it ranks higher up on search engines such as Google. This will mean that it is more likely for visitors to click on your business’s website when searching for a particular product or query.

To optimize your content and rank on the first page of search engines, make sure to produce relevant, informative and high-quality material for your website that targets the keyword/s your target audience will be searching for. If you are unfamiliar with SEO, you can find out more about SEO practices here.

Get Influencers On Board

Partnering with local bloggers and influencers can be pretty helpful if you want to promote a new product or have just started your business and need a boost. Contact a blogger who is in the same niche as you are—for example, if you’re a skincare business you should contact someone who focuses on content related to beauty and health.

The influencer will then make a post linking your business or product and promote it to their audience. Keep in mind that very popular influencers and celebrities will charge a hefty amount for even a single post.

Write Guest Posts

Writing guest posts for other businesses and websites is another great way to build links and a win-win situation for both parties involved. A guest post is basically content written by a business for someone else’s website. This way, users who visit that website can see your post and learn more about your business by clicking on the link mentioned.

Team Up With Other Businesses

Collaborating with other small businesses that are in a similar or complementary niche to yours is very useful in increasing your reach and connecting with more people. 

Partner up with a business you like and conduct an event or make a social media post, such as a giveaway, together and mention your products and website. Provide links to their business in your content and you will be able to earn a backlink in return. This way, their audience will get to know about your business and vice versa!

Get Listed In Your Local Directory

Contact your local directory and ask them to list your business and website on their online page in the category you are in. Although this will not bring a very significant amount of visitors to your website, it is still worth the effort and will help people find your business.

Another advantage of uploading accurate business information and getting listed in a directory is that search engines such as Google will use this data to determine whether your business is trustworthy, and increase the chance of recommending your website to visitors if it turns out to be credible.

Review Your Website

Last but not the least, review content on your website thoroughly and conduct regular checks on backlinks to ensure that there are no broken links to sites you have mentioned. You can also go through your older posts to see if there is a possibility of adding a link to your recent posts or to update outdated information.

Visit popular websites that mention products similar to yours, and if you find any broken links you can contact the owner to replace them with links to your products.

Another link-building strategy you can adopt is to keep an eye out for any mentions of your business or products/services that do not link to your website. Request them to add a backlink to your business’s website.


In a nutshell, reach out to other small businesses and collaborate with bloggers/influencers to get more backlinks and increase your reach. Gain potential customers from your local community by sponsoring events and fundraisers and build a solid presence on social media. Remember to optimize your content for search engines and review your website frequently.

I hope you found these eight link-building tips for small businesses helpful and will incorporate them into your marketing strategy to increase the number of visitors to your website.

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