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How is AI Changing the Cybersecurity Landscape in 2022?

 Though tech pundits keep talking about the cons associated with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning), there are plenty of good points to talk about too. 

How AI is changing Cybersecurity Landscape

AI enables you to collect data, analyze it and predict outcomes through tools like PDA (Predictive Data Analytics). 

So, the question is- how does AI define the future of cybersecurity?

We need to understand the connection between AI and cybersecurity to answer that. 

AI and Cybersecurity

According to IBM, it generally takes up to 287 days to identify a data breach, let alone contain it, which may take up to 80 additional days. 

With traditional technology, we cannot speed it up any further, but with the help of AI technology, you can identify it in its initial days and contain the wastage of time and finances

AI’s subset, known as ML or Machine Learning, records data patterns and learns from past experiences. It can easily detect cybercrime by adapting and updating itself under the changing organizational landscape. Therefore, AI enables businesses to respond quickly to every incident and safeguard data. 

So, AI and ML are essential for keeping the digital infrastructure afloat. 

Now, before we delve into how AI impacts cybersecurity, let us talk about the challenges of AI in cybersecurity. You can more about Machine Learning on ProjectPro Machine Learning Projects Ideas for Beginners.

Challenges faced by AI in dealing with cybersecurity



1. Detection: Hackers generally go unidentified and run away from the grasp of software and security protocols. They use tor browsers, Virtual Private Networks, and different IP addresses to stay anonymous. 

2. Prevention: Current cybersecurity protocols are reactive. In other words, they only act after the data breach is completed. Traditional systems do not have any means to predict data and neutralize the threat even before it attacks the system. 

3. Manual threat hunting: Businesses often have to invest their time, efforts, and money to ensure that threats do not go undetected and sneak through security protocols. There is no way to automate the process and save the workforce and funds. 

4. Distinction: IT systems change with the change in geographic location. There is no infrastructural synchronization. That is why manual threat tracking becomes difficult. 

Positive Impacts of AI on Cybersecurity


Positive Impacts of AI on Cybersecurity

1. It can learn from the past

If we have to explain learning from the past with an example, AI/ML would be it. 

AI learns faster than humans and never repeats the same mistakes. It can record the network’s behavioral patterns over time and cluster them to improve overall network security. It checks the network for any security deviation and responds to the norm. 

The learning it fetches from past experiences is never forgotten, which means that if an attacker attempts to compromise a network with a pre-tested method, AI can quickly respond by blocking it. 

After all, hackers, too, are humans. They have limited learning and adapting capacity, but AI can adapt to their attacks instantaneously. It can block the IP addresses of such people and keep the data safe. 

2. It never lets any threat go undetected.

For a mega brand such as Amazon or Tesla, it is hard to keep track of all the cyberattacks intended. 

Even if you have a massive team dedicated to detecting cyberattacks, it would still be impossible as hackers try hundreds of thousands of attacks every year. 

Moreover, mega brands have extensive databases of global communities, so they are always on the radar of cybercriminals. 

Therefore, they need to automate threat detection through AI. This technology keeps an active watch on all the incoming and outgoing traffic. It can detect even the most sophisticated malware and social engineering attacks through its modern capability. 

3. It can handle massive chunks of data.

Every growing company has a heavy traffic inflow and outflow. Since such mid-sized businesses invest a plethora of money to gain more traffic, hackers look to target them by compromising their network. 

Though security protocols like SSL certificateand firewall are an excellent way to manage traffic and protect your data, hackers can use XSS or Cross-Site Scripting to inject malicious code into the website. Moreover, selection of an SSL certificate should be done on the base of website’s requirement. For example, a site with subdomains should go with wildcard SSL available at low prices like cheap RapidSSL wildcard, discounted Comodo wildcard, GlobalSign wildcard.

But businesses having AI-enabled tools do not have to worry about it. AI can handle large amounts of data. It allows you to transfer data safely through a residential proxy and skims through data to filter heavy traffic. 

Infographic created by Donnelley Financial Solutions, an SEC reporting software company

4. It can figure out loopholes.

Apart from protecting data proactively, it can also help figure out loopholes in the system. It assesses existing security systems like data encryption methods and informs you about the vulnerabilities. 

AI identifies weak areas and solves critical security problems through advanced tools and extensive research. It enhances your capability to deal with such threats and lets your core team focus on essential tasks. 

5. It can deal with attacks simultaneously.

Hackers may cordon you by bombarding your website with all types of attacks. It is tough to manage and solve all attacks at once. 

For example, if your company is hit by a phishing attack, a MITM, DDoS, and ransomware all at the same time, then it would be difficult for it to decide which one to counter first. 

Moreover, to counter such threats, you need your staff to be top-notch professionals who can identify such attacks at once. But, the space for human error is always there. Even the best professionals can make blunders. 

That is why it is best to rely on AI-enabled tools to study all such attacks and help you decide which one to counter first. It will also provide feasible solutions that can help save your data. 

6. It helps you prepare for the worst.

Unlike other software systems, AI has a proactive approach. You can check out the latest cyber threats through tools like predictive data analytics. Then, you can command AI to scan your system, keeping the latest cybercrimes as parameters. 

This will enable you to test your waters. It can help you identify how prepared you are for such an attack. The best part is that AI will suggest all possible solutions to create a securer network infrastructure. 

6. It provides various security authentication methods.

If you are a website owner, you must collect sensitive user information like their usernames, passwords, bank details, credit/debit card details, etc. 

While you might be doing it with an encrypted network, hackers can still try to enter your website, faking themselves as a user. 

Therefore, you need an AI authentication system to stop him from trying your passwords multiple times. 

AI has CAPTCHA, face recognition, and fingerprint scanners to prevent an attacker from entering your system. The data collected by such AI tools must match the one entered by the hacker to complete the verification. 

Final Thoughts

AI is providing a much-need cushion to global businesses. Due to rising cybercrimes, business owners find it difficult to operate their websites safely. 

Thanks to AI, they can now receive and make payments with ease, collect and share user data without any risk and streamline overall operations. 

However, apart from using AI tools, you must also ensure that your connection is HTTPS-encrypted, passwords are secured by 2-factor authentication, and staff members are trained to minimize human error. 

So, integrate these seven tips into your website and make it an advanced, AI-secured experience for your userbase. 

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