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Top Ten Ways to Help Your Child Pass Elementary School with Flying Colors

 Every parent dreams of their child to be successful throughout the academic year. It can be hard to determine which parenting strategies are most effective in promoting learning in a high-pressure school environment. 

Ways to Help Your Child Pass Elementary School with Flying Colors

The Key Values

Each school year is full of things to consider, but this short checklist will help you to stay focused on the most important aspects for school success.


● The process is more important than the product.

● Encourage children to be self-advocates.

● Keep a long-term perspective.

● Keep a good sleep schedule.

● Love the child that you are having, and not the one you wish you had.


● Overschedule.

● Worship grades.

● Encourage helplessness.

● Compare children to one another.

● Love children based on their performance.

Learn more about teaching and homeschool, as well as child-raising, at Kids Academy information portal for parents.

The school success is more than just about getting good grades. Your child should learn to think independently, ask questions, and retain information. The guidelines below will help you get started and maintain enthusiasm throughout the school year.

1. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn

A healthy breakfast is nutritious for kids, as it fuels them with energy and prepares them for the day ahead. Children who have a breakfast routine perform better at school and have fewer visits to the school nurse for stomach problems related to hunger.

Breakfast containing whole grains, fiber and protein can improve your child's concentration, attention span and memory. Equip your child with fresh fruit, yogurt, and half of a peanut butter-and-banana sandwich if they are tardy for school. As well, a lot of schools offer breakfast prior to the school's opening bell.

To be alert and able to learn, children need enough sleep. On average, the kid needs 10-12 hours sleep each night. Children may not get enough sleep due to a variety of factors, including homework, schoolwork, after-school activities and TVs, computers, and videogames.

Insufficient sleep can lead to hyperactivity and irritability, which could make it difficult for children to be attentive throughout the classes. Make sure your child has enough time to relax before going to bed. Limit stimulating distractions like TV, video gaming, and Internet access before going to bed.


2. Visit the School's Website and go to the School.

It is important to know the layout of the school and the grounds so that you can communicate with your little one about school. Knowing the exact location of the school nurse, main office, cafeteria and gym is of high importance for any parent.

The school website is useful for finding information about:

● The school calendar

● Contact information for staff

● Events like class trips

● testing dates

Teachers often have their own websites where they list homework assignments, test dates, classroom events, and trips.

3. Get involved

A great way to show your kids that you are engaged in their education is to volunteer at school.

Many students enjoy seeing their parents at school and at school events. Consider a more discreet approach if your child is uncomfortable with you being at school or your involvement in extracurricular activities. It is important to make it clear that your goal is to support the school community and not spy on them.

Parents can be involved in many ways, such as being a librarian assistant, giving a talk at a career day, participating in school plays, concerts and fundraising activities, planning class parties, etc.

To find volunteer opportunities that suit your schedule, check the teacher's or school’s website.

4. Participate in Back-to-School Nights and Parent-Teacher conferences

When parents are more involved in the academic lives of their children, then students do better at school. Back-to-school night before the academic year starts can be a great opportunity to meet your child's teachers and learn more about their expectations. Schools administrators might also discuss school policies and programs.

Another way to keep informed is to attend parent-teacher conferences. These conferences are typically held at the progress reporting periods once or twice per year. They give you chance to talk to your child's teacher and to discuss strategies that will help your kid succeed in school. Your child will also know that you will be informed what happens at school with them. As well, additional meetings can be scheduled for special learning needs children.

Remember, that you (a parent or a guardian) have the right to request meetings with principals, school counselors, teachers, and other school staff at any time during school year.

5. Take the time to talk about school

Talking to elementary students about school news and class happenings is easy. Most parents know the books that their child is reading, and they are familiar with the math being done. However, parents can become too busy to ask simple questions that can impact the success of their children at school.

Talk to your child every day so that he or she understands that you care about what happens at school. If parents are interested in their academic lives, children will take school seriously.

Communication is a bilateral process. The way you communicate with your child will impact how they respond and listen. Listen carefully, keep your eyes on the child, and don't multitask while talking. Ask questions that go beyond the "yes" and "no" answers.

6. Support Homework Expectations

Home assignment reinforces and extends classroom education and helps children practice important study skills. They also develop responsibility and work ethic that will help them in the future.

Make sure that your child understands the importance of homework and create a study environment for them. The effective study environment should be well-lit, quiet, and well-equipped. Distractions such as a TV or a computer in the background should be avoided.

An effective homework study should last approximately 10 minutes per elementary grade. Talk to your child's teacher if you feel it takes longer than this.

Be available to help your child interpret the assignment instructions, provide guidance, answer questions and look through the assignment. However, avoid completing assignments yourself or providing correct answers. Check the printable PDF worksheets for G-3  or other grades to learn more behind the homework from school.


7. Teach organizational skills

What does organization at the elementary level mean? It means that your child has an assignment book and a homework folder. This will help you keep track of homework and projects.

You should check your child's homework folder and assignment book every night to ensure that they are up-to-date and not falling behind. Establish a bin to keep papers you need to sign or check. Keep a separate box for finished and graded projects. Throw away any papers you don't use.

Talk with your child about how to keep their desk organized so that papers that are due back home don't go missing. To help your child stay organized, show him or her how to use a planner or calendar.

Another good idea to teach children prioritize things is to teach them to create a to-do listing. For example:

1. homework

2. soccer

3. Put clothes away

4. Teach Study Skills

Young children can find studying for tests terrifying. If you teach your child study skills early on, this will help them develop good learning habits in future.

Elementary school students are required to take end-of unit tests in math, science, and sociology. You should know the time and date of any test so that you can prepare your child for it. It is also a good idea to remind your child that they should bring along the correct study materials such as study guides, notes, and books.

Other good study skills you may teach your kid includes the following:

• break down large tasks into manageable parts, so it's easier for children to prepare for tests. 

• introduce your child to mnemonic devices to assist in recalling information.

• take a break after a 45-minute study period in order to help children process and remember information.

If your child finds studying and testing stressful, talk to the teacher or professional clinical counselor.

9. Learn the Disciplinary Policies

Schools in the student handbooks. These rules include expectations and consequences for failing to meet them. They usually cover student behavior, acceptable language, dress codes and electronic devices.

These policies can include information about attendance, vandalism, cheating, fighting, weapons, and other matters. Many schools have policies regarding bullying. It is helpful to find out what bullying looks like, the consequences for bullies, the support for victims, and what reporting procedures bullying has.

Your child should know what is expected from them at school. It's important that you will support the school's actions when they don’t meet school’s expectations. Students feel more comfortable if school rules are consistent with their home routines. This allows them to see both places as safe, caring environments that work well together.

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10. Attendance is important

Children who are sick should not attend school if their symptoms include a fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or a high fever. A sick day might be beneficial for children who are not eating or feeling well, who have lost their appetite, who complain of pain or who don't seem to be "acting themselves".

If your child is absent from school because of illness, be sure to talk to the teacher about the work required. It is also a good idea for parents to be familiar with the school's attendance policy.

Students may want to avoid school due to problems with their teachers, classmates, grades, or assignments. These can lead to real symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches. Talk to your child and the teacher if you suspect there is a problem at school. School psychologist or counselor might also help.

Parents should be supportive and informed about their child's education in the early years. This is a crucial time to help children grow and learn as learners.

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