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How AI Can Impact Agro Based Industries?

 Agriculture - an area of activity which has been around for the better part of human history. Humans have developed methods for sustaining life and providing for the generations following them. As time changed, so did agriculture. 

How AI Can Impact Agro Based Industries

Today entrepreneurs and farmers are together using the power of AI to completely change and upgrade agriculture for good. AI is being used to revolutionize processes related to agriculture for better and more sustainable output from the agro-based industriesTo know more about these industries click here. If you want to use your entrepreneurial spirit in agriculture using AI, read on as we list some of the best applications of AI in agriculture which you can use to create a successful business.

1. Use image recognition for limiting use of pesticides

What makes artificial intelligence better than human beings? In a word, it is their accuracy. For example, when it comes to weed-killing, using AI-based gadgets can save time and money as well as enabling more advanced farming.

The basic idea behind this approach is that instead of spraying the whole field, farmers can use image recognition feature to identify weeds and focus on them alone. A few years ago, it was impossible to do that because computers weren't smart enough. But recently we have seen a huge leap forward in artificial intelligence that has opened up new possibilities for computers.

2. Sensors and IOT for more efficiency

Sensors and IoT—short for Internet of Things—have the potential to transform agriculture in the same way they have transformed manufacturing. But that's not all. Tractors, combines and other machines are increasingly connected to the cloud, with hundreds or thousands of data points collected during every operation. Sensors on the ground provide information about moisture levels, soil type, and even weeds and pests. Data from weather stations can be analysed to provide information about weather conditions; drones can monitor crop health from above.

3. AI for better crop health

Farmers are starting to use artificial intelligence devices to identify plant disease and pests, as well as poor plant nutrition. Tractors that learn when they're told to spray pesticides on plants are now able to differentiate between healthy and sickly crops, which is a great way of using technology to improve farming efficiency.

4. Use of robotics for maintaining and monitoring agricultural fields

A new generation of robots is now being designed to help with farming and food processing. These robots can be used on their own or as part of a larger system. Some are able to monitor crops and identify pests or nutrient deficiencies. Some can plant and harvest crops autonomously (or with minimal human intervention). And some can do multistep processes involving various specialized machines—sort fruits, say, or pick apples or lettuce from a field

Hence it is clearly apparent the kind of impact AI can have an on agriculture which in turn will impact primary secondary and tertiary sectors ,  since agriculture is connected to all of these sectors. So choose AI technology you would like to apply to your needs and get started. 

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