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How To Water Eject Using Siri Shortcut

Remember when you couldn't combine water with your iPhone? Swimming pools, baths, and toilets would suck down clumsy and negligent owners' functional iPhones and spit out pricey paperweights like they were nothing with water shortcut. However, the world has changed, and the most recent iPhones are now capable of swimming without drowning and you can even eject water with Siri water shortcut. But a little dive in the pool might still result in muted music and audio from the speakers. Although your iPhone has an IP certification, water can still sneak inside and cause damage but you can rectify it using Siri water shortcut.

Siri Water Shortcut

People sometimes bring their phones into the shower with them to listen to music they like. As a result, their iPhone is frequently splashed with water, which, in most cases, ends up within the speaker grills at the bottom of the device. And, whereas Apple Watch has a built-in water expulsion mechanism, the iPhone lacks it. If you need to get water out of your iPhone's speaker grills, only the Siri water shortcut can help. The Siri shortcut Water Eject generates a high-frequency sound that quickly pushes the water out of the speaker grille.

The Water ejection function on the Apple Watch ejects water by playing a sound through the speakers, and this shortcut works in the same way. You can see water gushing out of the speaker grills when you run the Water shortcut, so you know verifying businesses it works. Make sure your iPhone is water-resistant before using the Water Eject Shortcut. Water-resistance is not available on all iPhones, and immersing them in water might cause irreparable harm to the device.

Calling Siri Shortcut To eject Water

Many users also question how to switch on the iPhone's water ejector. However, there is no simple button or choice for doing so. It's a little difficult. Let's find out what we can!

Make sure "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts" is enabled in the Shortcuts section of your iPhone's settings before proceeding with the procedures below.

This approach includes playing the sound over your iPhone speakers through a Siri Shortcut. The Water Eject shortcut may be added to the Shortcuts app in the following way.

1) Because this is a third-party shortcut, you must activate 'Allow untrusted shortcuts' under Settings > Shortcuts.

2) After that, you'll need to Get the Water Eject shortcut. Make sure you access this site on your iPhone and select Get Shortcut from the drop-down menu.

3) It should open in the Shortcuts app by itself.

4) At the bottom of the screen, click 'Add Untrusted Shortcut.'

5) Select Water Eject from the My Shortcuts menu.

6) A notification with the option 'Begin Water Ejection' should display. To begin the procedure, select this option.

Your iPhone should now play a sound and water droplets should appear from the speaker grill.

This Siri Shotcut for Water Eject is supported with iPhones operating iOS 14 or iOS 15. Before you begin the water ejection procedure, make sure your smartphone is running iOS 14 or iOS 15.

Eject Water Through Siri Voice Command

You follow the exact procedures as before, but instead of manually launching the Shortcuts app, you can just summon Siri and say "Eject Water." That's all there is to it. Then pick Intensity Level from the Start menu.

Improve Your Access To The Shortcut (Optional): 

One of the nicest aspects of shortcuts is that they may be reached quickly from several places. This shortcut, for example, maybe used through the Shortcuts app, the Shortcuts widget, Siri, and even the shortcut icon on your home screen. The Shortcuts widget can be added to your "Today View" for quick access from the lock screen.

Is using the water eject shortcut a safe option?

This shortcut is good for ejecting water from your iPhone; nevertheless, don't expect a flawless job because there will surely be residues once the tone stops playing. Also, even though most users like to keep utilizing this Siri water shortcut until the water is gone, this is not a good idea. The problem is that the tone appears to be pretty powerful, and there's no way of knowing if utilizing it too much can harm your iOS device.

We recommend that you only employ this shortcut when several necessary several; after that, you may finish the task with a very dry towel. In the end, if you have an iPhone that is water-resistant to IP68 or even IP67, it will look after itself.

Putting it to an end:

Follow the methods indicated above if you ever drop your iPhone in water and need to get the water out of the speaker grill. Don't try to cram anything inside the speaker grill to get the water out. We advocate utilizing the procedures listed above since they perform well. Also, dry the iPhone right away, turn it off for a time, and avoid opening the SIM tray. We hope you were able to get the water out of your iPhone speaker with the aid of our instruction.

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