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Write for Us + Digital Marketing + Guest Post + Contribute + Sponsored Post

Digital Marketing Write for Us

Are you a digital marketing expert who want to write for us? You are at the right medium as we have abundance of contributors at Techy Gossips Digital Marketing blogWe are not looking for blogs that introduce basic Digital Marketing to the readers but the one who provide advance in dept knowledge to our readers. 

Digital Marketing Write for Us

We provide the opportunities to the guest bloggers to write for us on Digital Marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, seo, email marketing, blogging etc related topics. Your each pitch is reviewed by us and if it fits good to our audience we will be happy to publish that for us.

Topics We Cover:

If you are looking to contribute or want to "write for us" then make sure to address the topics that are related to digital marketing like guides, tips and techniques, digital marketing case studies, advanced trends. Main categories include

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Advertising – Ad campaigns & Promotions,
  • PPC – Pay-per-click, AdWords
  • Blogging
  • Social Media Strategy (SMM, SMO)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Google Updates
  • Google Tools- Search Console, AHREFS, Keyword Planner, Google Analytics
  • Video Marketing (YouTube Marketing)
  • E-commerce SEO and digital marketing

Tricks of the Trade for Writing Guest Post For Us

If you are passionate writer and want to write for us on Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing topics then you have to follow these  tricks before sending your content to us on Techy Gossips.

  • Create more eye catchy Title so that readers would able to develop their interest in reading the content further.
  • No need to make long and lengthy paragraphs but cut them short and allow the readers to stay entertained.
  • Make to the point sentences.
  • End of the post would be memorable as it is the last thing that someone reads so finish it strong.

Guest Post Guidelines - Digital Marketing Write For Us

What we expect from our contributors who want to write for us on Digital Marketing, SEO related Topics??

  • Must have 800-1000 words content 
  • Featured Image
  • One do follow link per post is allowed
  • Content should include the topics listed above
Process is not at all lengthy or time taking as you can either directly reach us through or fill up the contact form. We will review the post and publish that for you within short span of time. After your blog has been published with us we have all rights to modify or edit the content whenever needed.

Agree to accept our Terms & Conditions before submitting your guest post on

Note: The Content will be thoroughly reviewed by our editorial team and holds the right to accept/reject the same.

Have a cup of coffee with us and discuss for more details at 

With Warm Regards’

Benefits of Posting your Blog with Us

Digital Marketing Write for us on Techy Gossips or submit a guest post on Digital Marketing topics will surely benefits you from these given aspects:

  • You will get large number of audience. 
  • Good platform to share your ideas related to the terminologies defined above.
  • Expand your reach. 
  • Surely you won't miss out social media traffic as we share each piece of content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram

How to submit your content?

If you are done with writing an eye catch article as per the above mentioned guidelines then send it to our official email id mentioned above.
Article can either be send in the form of Google document or word document. Do not forget to mention the email subject as 'digital marketing write for us' or 'write for us digital marketing' and little bit introduction in the body section. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Make sure to send us the final version of the post as we have to forward it the editors who have all authorities to approve or disapprove your content.

FAQs Related to Guest Post on Digital Marketing Blog

How can I contribute my blog to Techy Gossips?

If you have content related to the topics mentioned above related to digital marketing and you feel that it would be beneficial to our readers then feel free to contact us. We will be happy to have your content with us on Techy Gossips.

What are the content posting guidelines?

Your content should be SEO optimized, plag free and as per the users intent.

Why to write for us on digital marketing topics?

By publishing your content with us you will gain popularity and brand awareness. It is one of the best link building practice that helps to improved your website ranking on search engines.

What article categories are allowed to get it published on Techy Gossips?

We allow different digital marketing related topics including Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Advertising – Ad campaigns & Promotions, PPC – Pay-per-click, AdWords, Blogging, Social Media Strategy (SMM, SMO), Affiliate Marketing etc.

How can my blog is promoted by you once it get published?

Much expected question, Once your blog get published with us we will share that on our social media platforms including Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.

How much take do you share to share the live link?

You will get live link within 24 hours of sharing your content.

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