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Top 11 React Performance Optimization Techniques in 2024

React is a widely used JavaScript library that turns web development into a dynamic masterpiece. In this contemporary world of digital landscape front-end frameworks and libraries are essential. Used to build interfaces, React is popular among the developer community for creating dynamic and engaging applications.

Top 11 React Performance Optimization Techniques in 2024

It takes less than 5 seconds to engage or lose a user - who wants to see a buffer screen? Whether it is a mobile app or a web app, everyone wants a rich and engaging UI - making React popular and the first choice among developers and service providers. 

Applications built with React support a sophisticated rendering mechanism but as it grow in size and complexity it needs performance optimization. Badly optimized React apps can result in a poor user experience with low responsiveness and slow loading times making users abandon the app with a bad experience and perception about the app.

In this piece of information, we will discuss the best performance optimization techniques to significantly enhance the speed, performance, scalability, and security of the React-based application. Follow these techniques to optimize the performance of the application and equip it with valuable insights to develop a robust React application. 

Let’s understand some basic concepts of React performance before delving deep into the performance optimization tricks and techniques. 

VDOM: React uses a concept called a Virtual DOM (VDOM) to make your app run faster. When you change something in your app, React first updates this Virtual DOM. Then, it compares the changes to see what's different.

Reconciliation: Reconciliation is how React updates what you see on the screen (the DOM). It checks the old VDOM against the new one to find out what's changed. Then, it only updates the parts of the screen that need to change, making things faster.

Why Is React Performance Optimization Important?

Developers can improve performance and get faster load times and improved responsiveness by optimizing React applications. It increases user engagement and retention while also affecting user satisfaction. The major reasons to optimize the performance of React are listed below: 

Smoother User Experience: Improved performance of the app is the key to providing enhanced user experience. With faster loading times and seamless interactions, user satisfaction can be achieved. 

Enhanced SEO Rankings: There are certain performance-oriented metrics like faster loading time and maintained uptime prioritized by search engines resulting in react apps having improved search ranking visibility. 

Improved Conversion Rates: Making visitors into customers is not an easy job. However, having more faster and more responsive site can increase the chances of turning visitors into customers increasing sign-ups, purchases, and other decision-driven behavior.

Scalability: With react app performance optimization it is possible to manage and handle large traffic volumes and sudden traffic spikes without risking or compromising with the performance.

Top 11 React Performance Optimization Techniques

1. List Virtualization

React apps with long lists often face performance issues. When the app loads, it tries to display the entire list at once, causing delays in the user interface and slowing down the app.

To tackle this problem, developers use a technique called List Virtualization or Windowing. Instead of loading the entire list, only a portion that fits the screen is shown.

There are two popular libraries for implementing this: react-window and react-virtualized. They help in rendering only a small part of the long list, which greatly improves the performance of your React app.

2. Implement React. memo ()

If the props received in the specific component stay intact the developer can use 

React.memo tool to prevent unnecessary component rendering. This technique enhances the performance of the applications at a significant level. The implementation process of React.memo is simple, check the following example

It enhances the application’s performance to a great extent. Implementing React.memo is easy. See the following example.

import { memo } from "react";

import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";

export const App = () => {

   // using a component

   const MemoizedComponent = memo(MyComponent);

   // using a function expression

   const MemoizedComponent2 = memo(function ({ data }) {

     return <div>Some interesting {data}</div>;


   // using an arrow function

   const MemoizedComponent3 = memo(({ data }) => {

     return <div>Some interesting {data}</div>;


   const someDataPassedAsProp =

return <MemoizedComponent data={someDataPassedAsProp} />;


3. Lazy Loading and Code Splitting

In the world of app development, code splitting, and lazy loading are like dynamic superheroes, optimizing how apps use resources. Code splitting breaks down big code into smaller pieces, letting us load only what's necessary. This speeds up app loading, especially for hefty React projects where loading everything at once could slow things down.

Lazy loading takes it further by holding off on loading less important bits until they're needed. This smartly loads components as users interact, making sure resources are used wisely.

Together, they not only make apps load faster but also make them more efficient and responsive overall. When used wisely, code splitting and lazy loading become powerful tools for crafting top-notch, high-performing React apps.

4. Undefined Inline Function

For some applications defining functions inside the render method could become a reason for poor performance. Defining the functions outside the render method can help enhance the performance of an application. Furthermore,  trying arrow functions for short event handlers can be beneficial for you. 

Check the below example:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  handleClick = () => {

    // Handle click



  render() {

    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>;



5. Functional Components & Component Rendering

One subtle yet effective method for boosting the performance of React apps is leveraging functional components. While it may seem like a common practice, it remains one of the simplest and most reliable tactics for swiftly building efficient and high-performing React applications.

Our seasoned React experts offer valuable insights when it comes to utilizing components effectively.

Some key advantages of employing React components, such as React Devtools (extension), include:

  • Reduced code requirement

  • Enhanced clarity and simplicity

  • Statelessness of components

  • Simplified testing process

  • Ability to extract smaller components easily

  • Enhanced interactivity and user engagement

6. Avoid Additional HTML Wrappers With React.Fragments 

To avoid adding extra HTML elements when rendering multiple elements separately, you can utilize React Fragments (<>...</>). By doing so, you eliminate the need for additional wrapper elements in the DOM. This not only reduces the size of the rendered output but can also enhance rendering performance.

// Using React Fragments

const MyComponent = () => (


<div>Content 1</div>

<div>Content 2</div>



7. Production Mode Flag in Webpack

When preparing your React app for production, it's crucial to configure your Webpack settings with the mode option set to 'production'. This triggers a range of optimizations, including minification and dead code elimination. These optimizations result in smaller bundle sizes and enhanced runtime performance, ensuring your app runs smoothly in the hands of users.

// Webpack configuration for production

module.exports = {

mode: 'production',

// other configurations...


8. Optimizing State Management in React

Efficient state management is key to keeping React apps running smoothly. Leveraging tools like Redux and the context API centralizes control over the app's state, making it easier to manage and access

Moreover, optimizing state updates with techniques like memoization and selective rendering ensures that components only update when needed. This cuts down on unnecessary performance overhead.

By incorporating these tactics, developers achieve a balance between maintaining a well-organized state and maximizing app efficiency. This leads to a better user experience and more responsive React apps overall.

9. Throttling and Debouncing Event Actions

The performance of the application with frequent events such as scrolling, resizing, and others can be optimized by implementing throttling and debouncing limiting the number of times a function is called. The utility functions for this purpose are provided by the libraries like Lodash.

// Using lodash for throttling

import _ from 'lodash';

const throttledFunction = _.throttle(() => {

// Function logic

}, 1000); // Throttle every 1000 milliseconds

// Attach throttled function to an event listener

window.addEventListener('scroll', throttledFunction);

10. Skip Using Index as Key For Map

Try to avoid using the index as a key for each element in the application especially when rendering lists in React, because it can lead to unexpected outcomes and degraded performance during updates. Using a unique identifier from your data is advisable for the optimized performance of React.

// Avoid using index as key

const MyList = ({ items }) => (


{, index) => (

<li key={index}>{}</li>




11. Server Side Rendering (SSR) in React

Server-side rendering (SSR) in React brings a significant speed boost to initial page loads. Unlike client-side rendering, SSR pre-renders pages on the server before sending them to the client, reducing wait times for users.

This approach speeds up rendering, improving the overall user experience with faster page loads. Users see a fully formed page right away, reducing perceived latency. Additionally, SSR offers notable SEO benefits by making it easier for search engines to crawl and index content, enhancing the discoverability of the application.

In today's competitive online landscape, where user attention is fleeting, SSR serves as a strategic asset. It ensures that your React application not only loads quickly but also stands out with improved search engine visibility.


While various techniques can enhance React app performance, maximizing your app's potential requires leveraging the latest tools and efficient development processes. By combining best practices in data handling, component design, and bundling strategies, you can optimize your React app's performance for seamless responsiveness and efficiency. These proven techniques help you build robust and scalable React applications without complexity.

This empowers Ace Infoway developers to craft highly optimized web apps with lightning-fast loading times, all while delivering premium features. Explore our React Development Services and share your project idea today for a free quote. Let's collaborate on building your next app!

Author: Kane Jason

Kane is a dedicated Success Manager at Ace Infoway, specializing in transforming businesses through innovative digital strategies. He excels in building lasting client relationships, understanding unique needs, and identifying improvement opportunities. Outside of work, he enjoys writing about web app & software development, new ideas, future technologies, and marketing.

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