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Electronic Signatures: 3 Types And When To Use Them

 Electronic signatures, also known as e-signatures, are becoming more and more common in today's digital world, as everything from government data to corporate paperwork is moving online. Throughout a contract, electronic signatures are used to verify, track, and store the signer's identity. 

Electronic Signatures

Nowadays, they're a must-have for any business and a suitable option to wet signatures. There are numerous online options where you can sign, send, track, and e-signatures easily, like and other similar websites. Furthermore, some of the benefits of e-signatures include:  

● Reduced Paper Usage: Electronic signatures can help businesses and organizations transition to a paperless environment. This way, there is minimal impact on the environment. 

● More Flexibility: Since you can sign from anywhere, you can conduct business at home or on the road. 

● Lowered Costs: In addition to saving time, electronic signatures keep printing, shipping, and filing storage expenses by eliminating the need for signatures on paper. 

E-signature is equally as valid as traditional signatures, if not more so. However, not all signatures are created equal, and some are better suited for specific purposes. Here are three types of electronic signatures: 

1. Simple Electronic System (SES) 

In all likelihood, this is the type that most people are most familiar with. Let's say you get an attachment in an email. There's a name on the paper that has been pre-filled in by the sender so the recipient can sign it. Then, you generate your signature and authenticate it with a click of a button.  

Anyone who completed the process has now electronically signed the document. With SES, there is no need for solid signer authentication or verification. An email address or a one-time access code is already enough to verify the signer's identity. 

2. Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) 

This type of signature is accompanied by a digital certificate or key that links to the signatory's electronic ID. This digital key will be generated for each signer of AES, which they will use to authenticate themselves. As an illustration, a signatory can verify that the electronic document they signed was signed by them using an application on their mobile phone.  

With these extra features, AES can do two crucial things: 

● They authenticate signers. 

● They create a unique link between the signature and the individual who signed it. 

In terms of security, this electronic signature is superior to the previous one, SES. However, it's possible that someone could gain access to your phone or the associated electronic identity and use it without your knowledge. 

3. Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) 

This type is the digital counterpart of the traditional pen-and-paper witness signing process. For the most part, it's an advanced electronic signature that includes electronic validation from a Trust Service Provider (TSP).

As soon as a signatory checks their signature against the app on their phone, the TSP verifies that it matches all the requirements linked to the electronic document's signature. Each country has its TSP, most of which come from public-owned organizations or institutions. 

When To Use Them 

Now that you are familiar with the three types of electronic signatures, it's time to go a little deeper into their applications. There are many ways that electronic signatures are used. An e-signature may be required in the following situations: 

●When You Need A Quick And Easy Solution: Simple electronic signatures are quick and easy to make your company's services run more smoothly, especially in the HR department. They are great for timesheets, tax forms, and employee forms that need to be signed. 

● When You Are Looking For Convenience And Flexibility: Legal assistance to tens of thousands of people is not unheard of in the legal profession. Your firm can leverage advanced electronic signature technology to make transactions and sign purchase orders and invoices quickly and easily. It's a sure way to impress your business associates and keep things going. 

● When You Require The Highest Level Of Security: There can be no room for error when dealing with documents of confidential information. Records about the power of attorney, confidentiality, and retention or fee contracts fall under this category. These documents could benefit from a high-quality electronic signature that can be verified.  

As you can see, the type of signature you need depends on its purpose; its security and complexity should align with the situation. 


Nowadays, everything from government records to company documentation is done online, making electronic signatures more common. Verification, tracking, and storing signer identities are all possible with electronic signatures. Every modern business needs them, an excellent alternative to traditional signatures.

As with traditional signatures, an e-signature is just as valid. While all signatures are not equal, some are better suited for specific applications. Therefore, if your business is unsure of what type of electronic signature you need for a given case, it's best to refer back to this post.

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