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Fundamentals Of Digital Marketing And Their Application

 We all have heard about the term “Digital Marketing” right?  Well then to be very precise, Digital Marketing means promoting products and services through the internet, online platforms and digital technologies such as mobile phones, desktop computers, laptops etc.

Digital Marketing And Their Application

Digital Marketing has become one of the most trending terms in recent times and almost every business, be it small or large is heading towards digital marketing for expanding their business.

There are millions of people across the globe who are part of Digital Marketing right now which clearly shows that there is a tremendous increase in this particular field over the past few years and currently this is the hottest topic in the virtual world.

There are many reasons for its expansion and one such important reason being hike in Internet & social media users and Intellectual people never miss these opportunities for their own benefit.

As many of us are aware of the term Digital Marketing, it’s important to know about its fundamentals or in simple terms, we can say Types of Digital Marketing.  


Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Includes: 

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

2. Online Advertising.

3. Content Marketing.

4. Email Marketing.

5. Social Media Marketing.

6. Pay-Per-click.

7. Mobile Marketing

8. Affiliate Marketing.

9. Audio Marketing.

Let’s discuss these fundamentals in detail.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The very first fundamental is named Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It is a Digital Marketing strategy and one of the best, easiest yet most inexpensive amongst other fundamentals to increase a brand’s popularity. 

SEO is the process of luring the crowd from the organic & natural search results on the search engine through the creative use of keywords. It is the way of improving the content in terms of quality and quantity in such a way that it gets a higher rank on search engines like GOOGLE & YAHOO.

If one is getting more visibility on search engines, chances of attracting traffic and consumers increases to a large extent. 

So, a business must invest in SEO activities if it wants recognition and get a higher rank on search.


In contrast to SEO, this fundamental of Digital Marketing is paid one. It is also known as “Paid Media”. 

We often see “AD” written on top of certain websites when we search for something on google. Well, that’s the example of paid media or Online Advertising. It includes all those advertisements in the form of pop-ups on which are shown on our screen while we surf the internet or social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

One has to select amongst various alternatives available for advertising in order to identify the best one.

Online Advertisement is one of the best ways to get traffic and to reach the target audience.


Sending a commercial message to the target audience or potential customers using an email is known as email marketing. There are four types of email marketing, termed:





Email marketing includes emails that inform customers about new offers and discount coupons to develop their interests. 

In Broader terms, every email sent to potential or current customers could be considered as email marketing. If you want to master the skill of email marketing and want to learn the detailed techniques and concept then enroll in this email marketing course offered by Great Learning


Content marketing is used to lure, engage and maintain the audience. It is an organic way of getting traffic by creating SEO-friendly content. It is a digital marketing strategy that creates relevant content in form of articles, podcasts, videos, blogs etc., and targets the audience so desired.

Content marketing does not promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

Coke’s SHARE A COKE CAMPAIGN is the biggest example of content marketing. They took the 150 most popular names in Australia and added them to the side of bottles, people went crazy for it. 


Well, this is similar to the second fundamental which is online marketing as it is used to increase the rankings on the search engines and it is Paid.

It is sometimes also termed as PPC. It is used to improve rankings by moving on the top of the search engines. Advertisements cease to exist when they are no longer paid. Every time an advertisement is being clicked your account is charged for it. During seasonal deals, large players of the market invest heavily in PPC. 

The amount so charged remains fixed on the basis of the time period of the advertisements.


One of the most popular fundamentals of Digital Marketing these days is none other than social media marketing.

To be very precise about its meaning it can be said that using social media platforms for promoting or marketing a product or a service is known as social media marketing.

 As we all are aware of the power that social media holds, it can be of great benefit when it comes to marketing. It is one of the simple yet most efficient  ways to connect with people around the globe. Universities across India offer some of the Top Digital Marketing Courses that you can apply for. 

The leading social media platforms that are now used widely are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, & LinkedIn.

We have witnessed a tremendous increase in users of social media after 2014 when JIO was introduced and now there are millions of users among us and if Brands (be it small or large) influence these users for marketing, it will be of great benefit. Social media marketing allows the Brand to keep a track of the reach of their content which was not possible in traditional marketing. 

Social media marketing turned out to be one of the best Digital Marketing fundamentals in the past few years and it is growing rapidly.


We are living in 2021 and it is very obvious that a large part of the population possesses a mobile phone. Mobile marketing involves reaching the target audience by means of smartphones and mobiles and this can be done through Text messages, social media and Emails.

Global mobile marketing is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 22.9% from 2020 to 2027 and it is expected to reach USD 337.8 billion. 


It is performance-based marketing in which a reward is given to the affiliate for each visitor/customer brought by his own efforts. In simple words ‘Paying commission to another person for getting your products/service promoted through him is known as affiliate marketing. 

It can be accomplished by anyone, be it an entity or an individual.

Influencers play a very important role when it comes to social media marketing as they have a great impact on the views of their fanbase and because of the same reason many companies are now collaborating with social media influencers for promoting their products and services.

Affiliate marketing benefits both parties as one gets a commission and the other gets the hike in sales.


As compared to the past times there has been a drastic change in the purpose of using radios and with the introduction of other platforms like Spotify, the concept of audio marketing emerged. Streaming advertisements on Spotify is the most popular method of audio marketing which also includes Podcasts. Home assistants like OK Google and Alexa have contributed to a great extent in audio marketing.


Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to connect with customers and promote your business. It allows you to reach a large audience with minimal effort and expense, and it provides customers with a convenient way to learn about your products and services. Additionally, digital marketing is a great way to build brand awareness and create a relationship with your customers.

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