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Common Types of Services Offered by An SEO Service Provider

 Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing visibility in organic and natural search results. It can mean more traffic, more leads, and more conversions for your business when done well. It can also mean consequences you don't want to think about when done poorly. That's what this article is all about. It will discuss the common types of services offered by an SEO service provider:

SEO Service Provider

1. Technical Audit

The first step toward effective Search Engine Optimization is to know where you stand. In the same way that a doctor will conduct a preliminary examination before making a diagnosis and providing a treatment plan, an SEO service provider will assess your website's technical setup (something that you, as an online business owner, may not be familiar with). Once this technical audit is complete and the results are made known to you, it's time to begin the actual work, the optimization.

2. On-Page Testing

Once you clearly understand your business's technical issues, it's time to start on-page optimization. This consists of several things designed to give your website the best possible chance at ranking well in organic searches. Many testing tools allow you to "stress" your pages by simulating multiple types of searches to uncover weaknesses that may negatively impact your overall rankings (such as duplicate content or formatting errors).

3. Link Building

Of course, you can't have a successful SEO campaign without a solid and active link-building strategy in place. A link-building campaign is somewhat like a public relations campaign—only its function is to improve your ranking rather than build goodwill. It's also an ongoing process that doesn't stop once the job is complete. That's because search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and updating their filters. Your link-building strategy must be adaptable to change to remain effective over time.

The SEO service provider can also provide white label link building services which incorporate their SEO expertise and knowledge into a process that ends with a customer receiving all of the credit for offering white label backlinks.

4. Content Optimization

A strong website is only as good as its content. An SEO company must devote substantial time and energy to enhancing your website's primary or home page (and all other pages that contain the same or similar content). The ideal number of pages on which you want to focus depends on the nature of your business.

5. Social Media Management

Suppose your company or brand has a social media presence. In that case, you'll likely want to consider getting an SEO service provider to manage your growth and success on various critical social networks. These networks have matured rapidly in recent years, and the barriers to entry are getting lower with each passing month. Once you find an SEO service provider who understands your brand and its goals, they can help you automate much of your social strategy by establishing profiles on all major networks.

6. Content creation

If the content on your website needs improvement, the SEO service provider can provide content creation services to augment it with new or unique elements. This can result in a boost in rankings for various reasons, most notably when your site gains authority by creating valuable original content to offer people who come looking for what you have to offer.

7. Marketing

Even with a strong website and engaging content, you can't expect to rank well if no one knows about your company and its services. The SEO service provider can help you find ways to get your business in front of people actively looking for what you have to offer. You must know how much it will cost (and be sure that any money you'll pay is worth it).


You can see that getting a good SEO service provider isn't as simple as it sounds. There are dozens of things you'll want to be sure they do before they can even begin to help you in your SEO efforts. That's why it's so essential to hire someone who provides more than just a website optimization service. Every search engine optimizer will take your website and make it look pretty to improve your rankings. But if you want SEO results that are sustainable and effective, you'll need a provider that offers the types of services listed above.

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