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How to Use New Profile Search Button in Twitter for iOS

 Recently Twitter, a social media application, has presented a new update - a new search button available for each iOS user. The button is intuitively located in the right corner of the smartphone screen. What this feature provides is searching for tweets of a particular user you are curious about. 

Before this upgrade, Twitter users needed to search for a certain user and its account in the main search tab manually. First, they needed to type the correct username, and only then look for the required tweet adding the keyword.

The search button update was initially tested on a small group of users including XDA and the Verge developers to make it convenient to use and free from bugs and errors. After a few days, the world has also seen this additional option in the accounts. Moreover, when you look for a specific tweet, you may not be disturbed by the appearance of the profile owner of this tweet as its image will be slightly noticed for you.

As now you can easily find any information on Twitter, we would like to take a close look at what kinds of information Twitter provides its users and if all this information is legal and reliable. 

Twitter is powerful social media 

new profile search button in Twitter

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the world used by regular users as well as famous celebrities, Best Writers Online, politicians, and so on. Based on the recent statistics, about 500 million tweets are published and should be processed every day. People write about everything - events, share their thoughts, their research, articles, etc. Thus, Twitter could be a great source for investigations related to different industries as there you can find lots of tips and insights from outstanding people. However, the search even with the new search button is not so easy, there is a huge amount of information that you need to learn and process, and not all the data sources are trusted and real. 

Allowed content on Twitter

Due to enormous amounts of information being on Twitter daily, it becomes harder and harder to detect not allowed or offensive content to delete it. All people are different and have their personal points of view, and Twitter respects it a lot. Thus, Twitter has set strict and clear rules for forbidding posting several types of content in text, photo, or video form.

Thus, here are the main tips on how to post the content on Twitter correctly to avoid restricted text and online conflicts with other users.

Think of how your content will be perceived by others

Twitter is a great opportunity to meet new people and even friends, start conversations in threads below some tweets and direct messages. When writing a comment or tweet, think of your content will be viewed by users from other countries, nationalities, cultures, religions, and so on. Any wrong word can lead to complete misunderstanding and hate growing aimed at your account. In case if you get or notice an offensive tweet, it is more advisable to pass it and not consider much to avoid huge online conflict anyway. Although, if you still want to know the main purpose of the particular tweet, you can politely ask the owner in a thread or in the direct message as you might consider it wrong. 

Think first, then publish

If you are willing to post offensive content, you may not have the ability to do it. You will not definitely receive any Writing Judge about content but thanks to Twitter support managers, they are capable of detecting such content before posting and asking you to review your message one more time. Well, these support managers can also make mistakes and detect your normal content as harmful but you can always write them back and explain the situation and what it meant to be. 

Ignore an inappropriate content

If you are stuck with haters on Twitter, there is nothing more easy and effective than blocking the users that offend you. While you start writing to Twitter support, you will continue receiving harmful and negative content from such users. Blocking forbids haters to visit your Twitter account, see your tweets, like or repost them, and also mention your account under inappropriate posts for your personality.

Nobody on social media is protected from harmful attitudes from other users. But you should remember that online offending is nothing for you. It may seem that the advanced search button helps only haters but it is a great tool for expanding your outlook and meeting outsourcing personalities via Twitter. 

We hope this short list of tips will help you understand which content can reveal to be offensive for other Twitter users and will choose the words for your tweet more wisely. 

How to search from Twitter for iOS

So it is high time to tell you how you can use the new search button on Twitter and what results you are going to see. 

Step 1. Of course, you need to open Twitter on your smartphone or install it from the App Store and create a new account if you do not have one. 

Step 2. You need to type the button named “Explore Tab” ( this is actually a new search button).

Step 3. You write down the topic you are curious about in the updated search box and start your searching experience. 

Step 4. Here you go - the results are displayed including various tweets, videos, photos, user profiles, memes, links, and other content allowed to be published on Twitter.

Step 5. What is more - you can easily filter all results by date, people, type of content like tweets, photos, videos, and so on.

Step 6. One more important point is to choose the area of search, two variants are available - search among your following pages or tweets from users located somewhere near you.

To sum up

Here it is, our detailed guide on how to use the new profile search button in Twitter on iOS and how the results of your search will actually be displayed. However, be ready that the content you will find can be offensive, harmful, or inappropriate for you as a person. We do not recommend wasting your time on blocking or writing complaints to support as mostly all these actions are useless for you and your account. Pay more attention to content that enhances your knowledge and some skills, communicate with people who have achieved something in their lives and who can share their experience in any sphere you are interested in. Remember that Twitter is a great tool for sharing your thoughts with the world, getting feedback about your works, and meeting new people with whom you can chat for hours and hours. And this new search button will help you to filter the useless content and get the benefits from using Twitter. 

Author Bio:

Lafond Wanda is a professional content writer, copywriter, content strategist, and communications consultant. She started young with her writing career from being a high school writer to a university editor, and now she is a writer in professional writing platforms— her years of expertise have honed her skills to create compelling and results-driven content every single time.

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